Optimize Your Morning Routine - You can have it all!

As a working woman with a full-time job and a household to take care of, I often wonder where all of my time goes.  Perhaps like you, I also plan part of my routine around when I get my period every month (eg: No vacation planning around that time, if so, pack some extra gear, more introspective work goes at the end of the month such as organizing finances). 

We women are often so busy:  We don't get a lot of time to ourselves, so I figured to share some of my tips and tricks to help us get back a little bit of what's the most precious in our lives.

Your first hour 

When I first begin my day, I do two major things in addition to my morning routine:  I spend the first twenty minutes meditating to clear my mind of all thoughts and emotions that are counterproductive and distracting to me.  When I reach a state of transcendence, I then plan out what is most important for me to do that day and I write it down in my planner.  Doing so not only makes me more organized, but it also makes me more accountable to achieve those "Things to Do" on my list.  I tell myself, if I have a dream, what are the steps that I need to take to achieve it?  Sometimes, just doing something makes all of the difference.  The meditation aspect of it reminds me that sometimes it is important to experience delayed gratification instead of always looking for an instantaneous response.  Plus, it helps manage my period pain too.

Limit social media time

I cannot stress this enough!  Before taking on my job running this period company, I often found myself being so distracted by Instagram, Facebook and YouTube.  I would easily spend upwards of 3 hours a day going through these sites and looking at and reading things that frankly, do not matter.  Anecdotally, when I was still a young sapling and studying for my exams, I forced myself to uninstall these apps and told myself that doing so will save me an extra three hours a day which I could dedicate towards using elsewhere (say for example, exercise or de-stressing).  To this day, I do not own a personal Facebook account nor am an active user of Instagram and doing so, has made me an overall happier and more productive person.

Be strategic on where to add value

If you have conflicting priorities, you need to learn how to  be honest with yourself and ask:  If I were to do this, would I be better off today than I would have been yesterday?  It is important to see where you allocate your intelligence to.  I believe that everyone in life has the potential to be brilliant: How you achieve intelligence really boils down to where you spend your time and energy.  If you are clear about the direction that you are heading, you need to map out what steps are necessary to achieve that goal.

That's it for me. Until Next time!


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