Why Your Period Matters

Often times, we women are called to wear many hats:  We need to take care of our career, our household, our parents, our pets & children - we are usually responsible for so many things that we wind up forgetting to take care of ourselves.  Moreover, when we do earn that little free time for some self love,  we may envision ourselves going to the spa or beauty salon for a little makeover, or relaxing at home with a book.  Feminine hygiene is certainly one area of our lives that we have overlooked and that makes sense:  Who bothers to take care of themselves or care about their period?  I know I certainly did not care much about my feminine hygiene routine before I got sick from using the regular stuff.

Based on a research paper from the National Institute of Health “A Question of Women’s Health”, an average North American woman uses over 10,000 products in her life time.  We take so much pride in buying the best types of products:  Organic skin cream, organic food, organic household products - we forget that feminine hygiene plays a vital role is keeping your body free of toxins and chemicals.  The vagina itself is a highly permeable, mucous membrane and is therefore much more susceptible to absorbing foreign agents in your body than say for example, in your skin.  That being said, if you are an avid user for tampons, using cheaper quality products that contain phthalates and/or allergens may lead to cases of toxic shock syndrome or yeast infections.  Even has a user of menstrual pads, many of the cheaper quality products use a petroleum based liner which may lead to chafing and irritation upon use.  If there is one area that is worth spending money on, trust me, it's on your period products.

Moreover, according to World Stat, there are over 100 million women of fertile age living in North America - can you imagine the amount of trash that can build just based off of our feminine hygiene products?  That's a sizeable amount of trash:  That's over 1.1 trillion tampon and pad products (not to mention their residual contents including applicators and wrappers) that we need to manage.  We can really make a difference by switching over. 

When we make the move to using 100% organic cotton products that are plastic free, and non-toxic, you can picture the HUGE difference that you would make for not just for your own health, but the health of the planet.

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